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Line-by-Line Translations

NOTE:  Works that feature alternate English singing text may not be included here.

Ahavat Olam
Aleinu Hagadol
Ana Tavo
Eil Melech Yosheiv
Hama'avir Banav
Haneirot Halalu
Havein Yakir Li
Hayom Harat Olam
Hayom T’amtzeinu
Hatzi Kaddish
Ki Kh’shimcha
L’cha Dodi
Ma Tovu
Magain Avot
Prayer for Israel
Un’ta-ne Tokef
Uv’shofar Gadol
V’al Y’dei (Zichronot)

Ahavat olam
Beit Yisra-eil, amcha ahavta
Torah umitzvot
Chukim umishpatim
Otanu limad'ta

Al kein A-donay E-loheinu
B'shochveinu uv'kumeinu
Nasiach b'chukecha
V'nismach b'divrei toratecha
Uv'mitzvotecha l'olam va-ed

Ki heim chayeinu
V'orech yameinu
Uvahem nehege
Yomam valaila
V'ahavat'cha al tasir mimenu l'olamim

Everlasting love have you shown to the
House of Israel, Your people.
Your Torah and commandments
Statutes and judgments
You have taught us.

Therefore, O Lord our G-d,
When we lie down and when we rise up,
We will ponder Your teachings,
And be joyful in the words of your Torah
And it’s precepts forever;

For surely they are our life
And the span of our days,
And we will meditate on them
Day and night.
May you never remove Your love from us.


We are obliged to adore the Master of all,
To acclaim the greatness of the Creator,
Who has differentiated us among the nations,
And assigned us a destiny
Unique from all other peoples.

We bend the knee, bow and give thanks
To the Sovereign of sovereigns,
The Holy, Blessed One.


E-loheinu vei-lohei avoteinu
Ana tavo l’fanecha t’filateinu
V’al titalam mit’chinateinu
She’ein anachnu azei fanim ukshei oref
Lomar l’fanecha
A-donay E-loheinu veilohei avoteinu
Tzadikim anachnu v’lo chatanu
Aval anachnu chatanu

Our G-d and G-d of our Ancestors:
May our prayers arrive before You,
And do not ignore our supplication;
For we are neither so insolent nor so stubborn
As to claim to You, O Lord our G-d
And G-d of our Ancestors:
“We are righteous and have not sinned.”
For we have indeed sinned.


Eil melech yosheiv
Al kisei rachamim
Mitnaheig bachasidut

Mocheil avonot amo
Ma-avir rishon rishon
Marbe m’chila l’cha ta-im
Uslicha l’foshim

Oseh tz’dakot
Im kol basar varuach
Lo ch’ra-atam tigmol

Eil horeita lanu lomar
Sh’losh esrei
Z’char lanu hayom b’rit sh’losh esrei
K’mo sh’hodata l’anav mikedem
K’mo shekatuv

“Vayeired A-donay
Vayityatzeiv imo sham
Vayikra v’sheim A-donay

Sovereign G-d,
Seated on Your throne of mercy,
Governing in lovingkindness,

You blot out the sins of Your people,
Passing them away one by one,
Ready to pardon transgression
And forgive iniquities. 

You deal charitably with
All that breathes,
Judging not according to the evil
Of their deeds. 

G-d who has imparted to us
Your Thirteen Attributes,
Remember today the covenant they embody,
As revealed of old to Moses,
As it is written: 

"And the Lord descended
In a cloud
And stood with him there,
Proclaiming the name of the Lord."

Hama-avir banav
Bein gizrei Yam Suf
Et rodfeihem v'et soneihem
Bit-homot tiba.

V'ra-u vanav g'vurato
Shibchu v'hodu lishmo
Umalchuto b'ratzon kiblu aleihem.

Moshe uv'nei Yisraeil
L'cha anu shira
B'simcha raba
V'amru chulam.
He caused His children to pass
Between the Red Sea's divided waters,
Inundating their pursuers and their foes
In the watery depths.

When His children beheld His power,
They praised and thanked His name,
Accepting His sovereignty willingly.

Moses and the children of Israel
Sang a song to Him
In great joy
All singing together.
HANEIROT HALALU (Chanukkah Meditation)

Haneirot halalu
Anachnu madlikin
Al hanisim v’al ha-nif-la-ot
V’al hat’shuot  v’al hamilchamot
Sh’asita la-avoteinu
Bayamim haheim bazman hazeh
Al y’dei kohanecha hak’doshim

V’chol sh’mona y’mei Chanukkah
Haneirot hallalu kodesh heim
V’ein lanu r’shut
L’hishtameish bahem
Ela lirotam bilvad
K’dei l’hodot ul’hallel
L’shimcha hagadol
Al nisecha v’al y’shuatecha
V’al nifl’otecha

These lights
We kindle
To commemorate the miracles
And victories
Which You wrought for our ancestors
In ancient days at this season
Through the hands of Your consecrated priests.

Through all eight days of Hanukkah,
These lights are sacred.
They are not for us
To utilize,
But to contemplate
In praise and in thanksgiving
To Your great name,
For Your miraculous, redeeming
And wondrous deeds.

Hashkiveinu A-donay E-loheinu l’shalom
V’ha-amideinu malkeinu l’chayim
Uf’ros aleinu sukat sh’lomecha
V’takneinu b’eitza tova milfanecha
V’hoshieinu l’ma-an sh’mecha
V’hagein ba-adeinu v’haser mei-aleinu
Oyeiv dever
V’cherev v’ra-av v’yagon
V’haser satan milfaneinu umei-achareinu
Uv’tzeil k’nafecha tastireinu
Ki Eil shomreinu umatzileinu ata
Ki Eil melech chanun v’rachum ata

Ush’mor tzeiteinu uvo-einu
L’chayim ul’shalom
Mei-ata v’ad olam
Lay us down, O Lord our G-d, in peace,
And raise us up, our Sovereign, in life.
Spread over us the shelter of Your peace,
And lead us with Your own good guidance.
Deliver us for Your name’s sake.
Be our shield; remove from us
Every foe and pestilence,
Sword, hunger and grief;
Remove Satan from around us;
Keep us in the shelter of Your wings,
For You are our guardian and savior,
For You are our merciful and Compassionate G-d and Sovereign.
Guard our departing and our returning
in life and in peace,
now and forevermore.


Havein yakir li efrayim
Im yeled sha’ashu-im

Is Ephraim not my precious son,
My darling child?

Jeremiah 31:20


Havieinu el har kodshecha
V’samcheinu b’veit t’filatecha

K’mo shekatuv:

“Vahaviotim el har kodshi
V’simachtim b’veit t’filati...
Ki veiti beit t’fila yikarei
L’chol ha-amim

Bring us to Your holy mountain,
And let us rejoice in Your house of prayer.

As it is written:

"I will bring them to My holy mountain
And let them rejoice in My house of prayer...
For My house shall be proclaimed
A house of prayer for all peoples.”

- Isaiah 56:7


Hayom harat olam
Hayom ya-amid bamishpat
Kol y’tzurei olamim
Im k’vanim im ka-avadim
Im k’vanim rachameinu
K’racheim av al banim
V’im ka-avadim
Eineinu l’cha t’luyot
Ad shet’chaneinu
V’totzi cha-or mishpateinu
Ayom kadosh

Today the universe is born.
Today in judgment stand
All the world’s creatures,
Either as children or as servants.
If as children, show compassion on us
As a parent on a child.
If as servants,
We look to You
For mercy
In judging us
O, holy and revered G-d.

Hayom t'amtzeinu: Amein
Hayom t'vorcheinu: Amein
Hayom t'gadleinu: Amein
Hayom tidr'sheinu l'tova: Amein
Hayom ticht'veinu l'chayim tovim: Amein
Hayom tishmashav'ateinu: Amein
Hayom t'kabeil b'rachamim uv'ratzon et t'filateinu: Amein
Hayom titm'cheinu
bimin tzidkecha: Amein
(Yom Kippur only)
Hayom timchol v'tislach
l'chol avonoteinu: Amein
Today may You strengthen us:  Amen
Today may You bless us:  Amen
Today may You exalt us:  Amen
Today may You grant us well-being:  Amen
Today may You inscribe us for a good life:  Amen
Today may You hear our plea.  Amen
Today may You accept in mercy and favor our prayers:
Today may You sustain us
in Your righteousness:  Amen
(Yom Kippur only)
Today may you pardon and forgive
all our sins:  Amen

Yitgadal v’yitkadash sh’mei raba [Amein]
B’alma di v’ra chir-utei
V’yamlich malchutei b’chayeichon uv’yomeichon
Uv’chayei d’chol beit Yisraeil
Ba-agala uvizman kariv, v’imru amein

Y’hei sh’mei raba m’varach l’alam ulalmei almaya

Yitbarach v’yishtabach v’yitpa-ar v’yitroman
V’yitnasei v’yithadar v’yitaleh v’yithalal
Sh’mei d’kud’sha, b’rich hu
L’eila [l’eila] min kol birchata v’shirata tushb’chata v’nechemata
V’imru amein

Magnified and sanctified is His great name
Through all the world which He created at His will. 
May He establish His sovereignty during your life
And during the life of all the House of Israel,
Timely and soon, and let us say:  Amen.

May His great name be praised
for all time.

Blessed and acclaimed, lauded and glorified,
Exalted and honored, praised and adored
Is His holy name.  Blessed is He
[Far] beyond all blessings and hymns,
prayers and tributes
which can be rendered by humanity
And let us say:  Amen. 


Kadsheinu b’mitzvotecha
V’tein chelkeinu b’toratecha
Sab’einu mituvecha
V’samcheinu biy’shuatecha
V’taheir libeinu l’ovd’cha be-emet.

Hallow us with Your commandments
And appoint us a portion in Your Law.
Gratify us with Your benevolence
And grant us the joy of Your salvation.
Render us pure of heart to serve You in truth.



Ki kh’shimcha kein t’hilatecha
Kashe lichos v’noach lirtzot
Ki lo tachpotz b’mot hameit
Ki im b’shuva midarka v’chaya
V’ad yom moto t’chake lo
Im yashuv miyad t’kablo
Emet ki ata hu yotzram
V’ata yodeia yitzram
Ki heim basar vadam
Adam y’sodo mei-afar
V’sofo le’afar
B’nafsho yavi lachmo
Mashul k’cheres hanishbar
K’chatzir yaveish
Uch’tzitz noveil
K’tzeil over
Uch’anan kaleh
Uch’ruach noshavet
Uch’avak poreiach
V’chachalom ya’uf
V’ata hu melech Eil chai v’kayam

For as is Your name, so is Your praise:
Slow to anger, and ready to forgive.
You do not wish the demise of the sinner,
But that he return from his evil path and live.
To the day of his death, You await his return,
Whereupon You welcome him in compassion.
Truly, You the Creator
Know the nature of Your creatures,
For they are but flesh and blood.
Humanity is born of the dust,
And returns to the dust.
Earning bread at life’s peril:
As the fragile shard,
As the withering grass,
As the fading flower,
As the passing shadow,
As the fleeting cloud,
As the fugitive breeze,
As the drifting dust,
As the vanishing dream.
But You are our Sovereign G-d eternal.


K’vakarat ro-e edro
Ma-avir tzo-no tachat shivto
Kein ta-avir v’tispor v’timne
V’tifkod nefesh kol chai

As a shepherd musters his flock,
Bringing each under his staff,
So do You summon
And pass each living soul before You.


L’cha dodi likrat kala p’nei shabbat
Shamor v’zachor b’dibur echad
Hishmi-anu Eil ham’yu-chad
A-donay echad ush’mo echad
L’sheim ultif’eret v’lithila.
L’cha dodi….

Likrat shabbat l’chu v’neilcha
Ki hi m’kor hab’racha
Meirosh mikedem n’sucha
Sof ma-aseh b’mach’shava t’chila
L’cha dodi….

Mikdash melech ir m’lucha
Kumi tz’I mitoch hahafeicha
Rav lach shevet b’eimek habacha
V’hu yachamol alayich chemla
L’cha dodi….

Hitna-ari mei-afar kumi
Livshi bigdei tif-arteich ami
Al yad ben Yishai beit halachmi
Karva el nafshi g’ala
L’cha dodi….

Hit’o-r’ri, hit’o-r’ri ki va oreich kumi ori
Uri Uri
Shir dabeiri
K’vod A-donay alayich nigla
L’cha dodi….

Lo teivoshi v’lo tikalmi
Ma tishtochachi uma tehemi
Bach yechesu aniyei ami
V’nivn’ta ir al tila
L’cha dodi….

V’hayu limshisa shosayich
V’rachaku kol m’valayich
Yasis alayich E-lohayich
Kimsos chatan al kala
L’cha dodi….

Yamin usmol tifrotzi
V’et A-donay ta-aritzi
Al yad ish ben partzi
V’nism’cha v’nagila
L’cha dodi….

Bo-i v’shalom ateret ba’la
Gam b’simcha uv’tzahawla
Toch emunei am s’gula
Bo-i chala bo-i chala
L’cha dodi likrat kala p’nei shabbat

Come, beloved, to meet the bride; to welcome and greet Shabbat.
“Observe” and “Remember,” in a single word,
We were commanded by the One G-d.
The Lord is One, and His name is One,
In renown, honor and praise.
Come, beloved….

Come let us go and greet Shabbat,
It is a font of blessing,
From the earliest, from the most ancient,Was it ordained,
Created at the last, planned from the first.
Come, beloved….

Sovereign’s sanctuary, regal city,
Arise from your ruin,
Too long have you dwelt in a valley of weeping,
He will have much compassion on you.
Come, beloved….

Shake yourself and rise from the dust,Don your splendid garments, O my people,
By the hand of the son of Jesse, the Bethlehemite,
Draw near, redemption, to my soul.
Come, beloved…. 

Rouse, rouse, for your light has come,
Arise and shine!  Wake, wake!
Utter a song.
The glory of the Lord is shown upon you.
Come, beloved….

Be not embarrassed, be not ashamed.
Why be downcast, why do you moan?
My afflicted will have shelter in you.
The city will be rebuilt on its ancient hill.
Come, beloved….

Your despoilers are become the spoil
Your devourers are far away.
Your G-d will take joy in you,
As the bridegroom for the bride.
Come, beloved….

To your right and to your left shall you spread
You will revere the Lord.
By the child of Perez,
We shall joyfully sing and exult.
Come, beloved….

Arrive in peace, crown of the bridegroom,
In joy and happiness,
Mid the faithful of the chosen people
Arrive O bride, arrive O bride.
Come, beloved, to meet the bride; to welcome and
greet Shabbat.


Ma tovu ohalecha Yaakov
Mishk’notecha Yisraeil
Va’ani b’rov chasd’cha
Avo veitecha
Eshtachaveh el heichal kodsh’cha

A-donay ahavti m’on beitecha
Um’kom mishkan k’vodecha
Va’ani eshtachaveh v’echra-a
Evr’cha lifnei A-donay osi
Va’ani t’filati l’cha A-donay
Eit ratzon
E-lohim b’rav chasdecha
Aneini be-emet yish-echa

How goodly are your tents, O Jacob,
Your dwellings, O Israel.
By Your plentiful grace
Do I enter Your house;
I worship You in Your sanctuary
In reverence.

O Lord, I love Your House,
Wherein Your glory dwells.
I will bow down and worship
Before the Lord, my Creator.
I offer my prayer to You, O Lord
At a time of favor.
O G-d, in Your abundant mercy,
Answer me with Your saving truth.


Magein avot bid’varo
M’chayei meitim b’ma-amaro
Ha-eil hakadosh she-ein kamohu
Hameini-ach l’amo b’yom
shabbat kodsho
Ki vam ratza l’hani-ach lahem
L’fanav na-avod b’yir-a vafachad
V’nodeh lish’mo b’chol yom tamid
Mei-ein (mei-on) habrachot
Eil hahoda-ot Adon hashalom
M’kadeish hashabbat
Um’vareich sh’vi-i
Umeini-ach bikdusha l’am m’dushnei oneg Zeicher l’ma-asei v’reisheet


A shield to our forebears has been G-d’s word,
At Whose bidding the dead shall be revived.
Holy G-d incomparable,
Who grants rest to Israel through
the Holy Sabbath,
And is pleased to grant them rest.
Whom we serve in awe and reverence,
Whose name we praise constantly each day
With appropriate blessings.
G-d Who merits thanks, Master of peace,
Who hallows the Sabbath
And blesses the seventh day,
Granting sacred rest to a delighted people –
In memory of Creation.


Avinu shebashamayim
Tzur Yisraeil v’go-alo
Bareich et m’dinat Yisraeil
Reisheet tzimichat g’ulateinu
Hagein aleha b’evrat chasdecha
Ufros aleha sukat sh’lomecha
Ushlach orcha va-amitcha
L’rasheha sareha v’yo-atzeha
V’takneim b’eitza tova milfanecha
Chazeik et y’dei m’ginei
Eretz kodsheinu
V’hanchileim E-lo-heinu y’shua
Va-ateret nitzachon t’at-reim
V’natata shalom ba-aretz
V’simchat olam l’yoshveha
V’nomar Amein.

Our Father who dwells in Heaven,
Rock and Redeemer of Israel.
Bless the State of Israel
Harbinger of our redemption;
Shield it with Your grace
Spread over it the tabernacle of Your peace.
Shine the light of Your truth
Upon its leaders and advisors.
Guide them with Your good counsel.
Strengthen the hands of those who defend
Our Holy Land.
Deliver them O G-d
Crown their endeavors with victory.
Grant peace to the land,
And its inhabitants with enduring joy.
And let us say: Amen.


Un’ta-ne tokef k’dushat hayom
Ki hu nora v’ayom
Uvo tinasei malchutecha
V’yikon b’chesed kisecha
V’teisheiv alav be-emet

We recognize the profound sanctity of this day,
Fraught with awe and dread,
When we perceive Your dominion
And compassion,
Which are founded in truth.


Uv’shofar gadol yitaka
V’kol d’mama dakka yishama
Umal-achim yeichafeizun
V’chil ur-ada yocheizun
V’yomru: hi-nei yom hadin.
Lifkod al tz’va marom badin
Ki lo yizku v’einecha badin.
V’chol ba-ei olam
Ya-avrun l’fanecha
Kivnei maron.
K’vakarat ro-e edro
Ma-avir tzo-no tachat shivto
Kein ta-avir v’tispor v’timne
V’tifkod nefesh kol chai
V’tachtoch kitzba l’chol b’ri-a
V’tichtov et-g’zar dinam.

A great horn is sounded;
A soft, thin voice is heard.
The angels are agitated
And seized with dread,
Proclaiming the Day of Judgment.
The heavenly host are arraigned in judgment,
For they are not exempt in Your sight from judgment.
All who walk the earth
must pass before You
As sheep of a flock.
As the shepherd musters his flock,
Bringing each under his staff,
So do You summon
And pass each living soul before You
Assigning the length of its days
And inscribing its judgment decree.

V'AL Y'DEI (Zichronot)

V’al y’dei avadecha han’vi-im
Katuv leimor:

Haloch v’karata
B’aznei Y’rushalayim leimor:

Ko amar A-donay:
Zacharti lach chesed n’urayich
Ahavat k’lulotayich
Lechteich acharai bamidbar
B’eretz lo z’ruah.


V’zacharti ani et b’riti otach
Biy’mei n’urayich
Vahakimoti lach b’rit olam.


Havein yakir li Efrayim
Im yeled sha-a-shu-im
Ki midei dabri bo
Zachor ezk’renu od
Al kein hamu mei-ai lo
Racheim arachamenu
N’um A-donay.

By the hand of Your servants, the prophets,
It is written:

Go forth and proclaim
Into the ears of Jerusalem, saying:

Thus says the Lord:
I remember your youthful devotion,
The love of your betrothal,
That you followed me in the wilderness
Through an unsown land.1

And it is written:

I will remember my covenant with you
In the days of your youth;
And I will establish with you an eternal covenant.2

And it is written:

Is Ephraim not my precious son,
My dearest child?
For even as I reproach him,
I remember him in tenderness.
So does my heart yearn for him;
I will surely have compassion on him,
Says the Lord.3

 Jeremiah 2:2 2  Ezekiel 16:60  3 Jeremiah 31:20


V’shamru v’nei Yisraeil
t ha-shabbat
La-asot et ha-shabbat
B’rit olam
Uvein b’nei Yisrael ot hi l’olam
Ki sheishet yamim asah A-do-nay
Et hashamayim v’et ha-aretz
Uvayom hash’vi-i
Shavat vayinafash

And the children of Israel shall observe
the Sabbath;
they shall keep the Sabbath
throughout their generations
as an everlasting covenant. 
A sign between Me
and the children of Israel shall it be forever,
for in six days did the Lord create
the heaven and the earth;
and on the seventh day,
He ceased from His labor and rested.

- Exodus 31:16-17


Ya-aleh tachanuneinu mei-erev
V’yavo shav’ateinu miboker
V’yeira-eh rinuneinu ad arev

Ya-aleh koleinu mei-erev
V’yavo tzidkateinu miboker
V’yeira-eh fidyoneinu ad arev

Ya-aleh inuyeinu mei-erev
V’yavo slichateinu miboker
V’yeira-eh na-akateinu ad arev

Ya-aleh m’nuseinu mei-erev
V’yavo l’ma-ano miboker
V’yeira-eh chipureinu ad arev

Ya-aleh yish’einu mei-erev
V’yavo tohoreinu miboker
V’yeira-eh chinuneinu ad arev

Ya-aleh zichroneinu mei-erev
V’yavo vi-udeinu miboker
V’yeira-eh hadrateinu ad arev

Ya-aleh dofkeinu mei-erev
V’yavo gileinu miboker
V’yeira-eh vakashateinu ad arev

Ya-aleh enkateinu mei-erev
V’yavo eilecha miboker
V’yeira-eh eileinu ad arev

May our supplications ascend at evening,
Our pleas arrive before You in the morning,
And our songs of joy descend at dusk.

May our voice ascend at evening,
Our righteousness arrive before You at morning,
And our redemption descend with the dusk.

May our affliction ascend at evening,
Our forgiveness be granted by You in the morning,
And our cries echo down at dusk.

May our faith ascend at evening,
Arrive for Your sake at morning,
And our atonement come down at dusk.

May our salvation ascend at evening,
Our purification come to You at morning,
And Your graciousness to us descend at dusk.

May Your remembrance of our merits ascend at evening,
Our assembly be perceived by You in the morning,
And Your glory descend to us at dusk.

May our petition ascend at evening,
Our grateful gladness reach You at dawn,
And the granting of our request ascend at dusk.
May our cries ascend at evening,
Reach You with the dawn,
And echo down to us with the dusk.


1. Yigdal e-lo-him chai v’yishtabach
    Nimtza v’ein eit el m’tzi-uto

2. Echad v’ein yachid k’yichudo
    Ne-elam v’gam ein sof l’achduto 

3. Ein lo d’mut haguf v’eino guf
    Lo na-a-roch eilav k’dushato 

4. Kadmon l’chol davar asher nivra
    Rishon v’ein reisheet l’reisheeto 

5. Hino adon olam l’chol notzar
    Yoreh g’dulato umalchuto 

6. Shefa n’vu-ato n’tano
    El anshei s’gulato v’tif-arto 

7. Lo kam b’Yisraeil k’Moshe od navi
    Umabit et t’munato 

8. Torat emet natan l’amo Eil
     Al yad n’vio ne-eman beito 

9. Lo yachalif ha-Eil v’lo yamir dato
    L’olamim l’zulato 

10. Tzofeh v’yodei-a s’tareinu
     Mabit l’sof davar b’kadmato 

11. Gomeil l’ish chesed k’mif-alo
     Notein l’rasha ra k’rish-ato 

12. Yishlach l’keitz yamin m’shicheinu
      Lifdot m’chakei keitz y’shu-ato 

13. Meitim y’chayeh E-il b’rov chasdo
Baruch adei ad sheim t’hilato

1. Magnified and lauded is the living G-d
    Whose existence is timeless and eternal. 

2. He is One; His Oneness is unequaled;
    Beyond perception, eternal in unity. 

3. He is beyond semblence, without body;
    His holiness is defies understanding.

4. He was before creation;
    First in existence, yet without beginning.

5. He is the Lord eternal; the world and all creatures
    Proclaim His greatness and dominion. 

6. Through His honored chosen ones
    He gave forth His prophecies. 

7. Never has there been from Israel
    Any like Moses, who glimpsed the Divine.

8. The true Law did G-d give to His people
    Through his faithful prophet. 

9. Never shall G-d change or amend His Law,
    Nor shall He change it for another. 

10. He examines and knows our secret thoughts,
     And foresees at their start the end of all. 

11. He rewards the righteous man for his deeds,
      And punishes the wicked man for his evil. 

12. In the end He will send for us His Annointed,
      And lead all who await His salvation. 

13 G-d in His great compassion will revive the dead.
     Blessed is His glorious name forever.


Yism’chu v’mal’chut’cha
Shomrei shabbat v’kor’ei oneg
Am m’kad’shei sh’vi-i kulam
Yisb’u v’yit’an’gu
V’hash’vi-I ratzita bo
Chemdat yamim oto karata
Zeicher l’ma-asei v’reisheet.

They shall find joy in Your kingdom
Who observe the Sabbath and call it a delight.
All those who hallow the seventh day
Shall be fulfilled and delighted
With Your bounty;
For You found pleasure in the seventh day
And sanctified it,
Declaring it the most desirable of days,
A memorial of Creation.