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Music for Wedding Recessional & Postlude
by Michael Reid Winikoff

The ceremony ends as the brand-new married couple take their first steps together up the aisle to begin their life together.  The music at this moment should be joyous, jubilant, euphoric, as it announces to the community, to the world, that a new era of life and love has just commenced. 

The wedding recessional and postlude selections in this list will serve that purpose in brilliant fashion, making this a truly momentous occasion.

Click on a link to go to the item's information page, with further link to an audio sample.

FOUR GARDEN MOODS for Flute & Piano
    - "Exuberance"
    - "Euphoria"

Fanfare #1 - version for 2 Trumpets with organ or piano
                - version Brass Quintet

Fanfare #2 for 2 Trumpets with organ or piano

Flourish #1 - version for Solo Trumpet with organ or piano
                 - version for Brass Quintet