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New Wedding Interlude Music
by Michael Reid Winikoff

In-Ceremony wedding music is performed while the bride and groom are standing at the alter, and is also known as interlude music.  It can provide a break from the liturgical and other ritual proceedings of the wedding ceremony, or to highlight a special moment in the ritual such as the lighting of the Unity Candle, while adding a mystical dimension to the service. 

Interlude music often takes the form of a vocal solo which may be sacred, such as a psalm setting or other scriptural text setting as are found in this catalog, or a non-sacred poem or other original text.  The vocal wedding solo provides a personal and heartfelt element through words and vocal expression.

Click on a link to go to each item's information page, then follow a further link to an audio sample (for instrumental works), or screen capture video showing the score with text and playback (for vocal works).

Vocal Solo
    Eishet Chayil - vocal solo version
    How Glad I Was (Psalm 122) - Excellent for bride's entrance
    I Betroth You - Ideal for Unity Candle ceremony.
    Psalm 23
    Psalm 117 - May also be sung partly or entirely by unison choir.
    Solemn Betrothal - vocal solo version

Instrumental selections can also be most effective when used as an evocative musical interlude during an offering or other quiet moment during the ceremony, such as a Unity Candle ritual.  Pieces can be abridged as needed for logistical considerations.

    Air Americana - May be used in conjunction with the vocal solo I Betroth You.
    Air in A
    Eishet Chayil - instrumental version
    Bride's Ballade
    From the Old Country
    Promenade in A
    Solemn Betrothal - instrumental version
    Waltz of Days