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Wedding Songs on Sacred Texts
by Michael Reid Winikoff

Click on a link to go to the item's information page, with further links to a screen-capture video showing music score (and text) with playback.

Dodi Li - Processional in Middle-Eastern style, to Hebrew verses from the Song of Songs.
For ensemble of flute, oboe (or flute II), soprano or tenor voice(s), percussion and piano.

Eishet Chayil (The Woman of Valor) - Hebrew only, verses from Proverbs (31:10-15 & 30-31).

How Glad I Was - (English or Hebrew text) verses from Psalm 122.  For Solo Voice,
with piano or organ, optional trumpet or french horn.

I Betroth You - (English text based on Hosea 2 and Song of Songs 8:6) for Solo Voice
(High or Low) with piano.

Psalm 23 - (English and Hebrew text) for Solo Voice (High or Low) with piano.

Psalm 117 - (English and Hebrew text) for Solo Voice and/or Unison Choir, with Solo Instrument (flute, oboe, piccolo trumpet or clarinet) and piano or organ.

Solemn Betrothal (V'eirastich Li) - (Hebrew and English text) on verses from Hosea 2
for Solo Voice (High or Low) with piano